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The exorcism

Manuel Amezcua
Jefe de B. de Docencia e Investigación. Hospital Universitario San Cecilio, Granada, España

Index de Enfermería [Index Enferm] 2005; 50: 65 (original version in Spanish, printed issue)








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Amezcua M. The exorcism. Index de Enfermería [Index Enferm] (digital edition) 2005; 50. In </index-enfermeria/50revista/e5442.php> Consulted









The exorcism. Motavita, Colombia, august 1998. 20x30 color     When Father Alvaro invoked the devils to abandon the bodies of the possessed persons, a choir of angry screams broke the silence of the mass. This event took place in the middle of the healing prayer, which is a salutation rite as culturally efficient as heterodox. The bishopric of Tunja does not look kindly on the healing masses that Father Alvaro organizes on Saturdays at his faraway retreat in Motavita. It fights those masses with the ignorance, while the neighbours of the small village, hardly two thousand souls, attend delighted to the massive pilgrimage that cyclically cheers the village up since the polemic parish priest arrived.  The priest states that up to twenty five thousand people have travelled to his place this unpleasant afternoon. He says so after doing a collective inventory at the top of his voice, in order to draw the devotional map -with its states and countries- over which he exerts his influence. And very probably he is right. In this occasion the ceremony concelebrated and in presence of the local authorities, takes place in the park's circus as there are too many people for such a small temple.
     But not all the devils have been sensitive to the officiant's words. Some of them, probably because they are older, have become strong in their victims' bodies and are reluctant to abandon them.  This is the case of the woman of the picture that lays dropped on the floor over a puddle of vomits and urine. She is immune to the scapularies surrounding her neck. Instead, she is devoted to the anxiety of the possession, or, according to a potential sceptical observer, she is devoted to her mental limitation. The priest leans on her face and wields his prayers like a warrior wields his weapons in front of a besieged castle. The devil will exit sooner or later, and he will do it through the mouth like he did for entering. His assistant knows it, and he is expectant, with an extreme tension like ready to rush at the monster. The scene is contemplated by a circle of curious people who are more interested in the exorcism's spectacle than in the liturgical ceremony.
     One week later Carmenza told me that the woman was feeling much better. She was a peasant girl of a nearby lane, who had been beside herself for some time; she was overwhelming her parents and other farmers of the surroundings with impertinences and improper behaviours. Since she attended the healing mass of Motavita and the devil was removed, they say that she has regained her natural well-manners, bringing back the calm to the local community.





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