


Texto & Contexto. ISSN:0104-0707 2015 v24esp r24s013






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Maria da Gloria Miotto Wright,1 Francisco Cumsille,2 Akwatu Khenti,3 Maria Itayra Padilha4
Ph.D. Former CICAD/OAS Staff, Educational Development Program, Demand Reduction Section, Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission, CICAD, Organization of American States, OAS, United States. 2Head of Interamerican Drug Observatory, Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission, CICAD, Organization of American States, OAS, United States. 3Doctoral Student. Director of Office of Transformative Global Health, Center for Addiction and Mental Health, CAMH, Canada. 4Ph.D. in Nursing. Editor-in-Chief of the Text & Context Nursing Journal. Dean of the School of Nursing at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Post-Doctorate from the University of Toronto, Canada. CNPq Researcher

Texto Contexto Enferm 24(Esp): 13-14




Cómo citar este documento

Wright, Maria da Gloria Miotto; Cumsille, Francisco; Akwatu Khenti; Padilha, Maria Itayra. Editorial. Texto Contexto Enferm, 2015, 24(Esp). Disponible en <https://www.index-f.com/textocontexto/2015/24s013.php> Consultado el


Illicit drug misuse remains an escalating and critical problem in the Americas. Among its many harmful consequences are health harms, drug trafficking and a range of associated costs. Social stability and development may be at risk in some settings because of prolonged drug-related violence and diminished prospects for economic investment. The new Hemispheric Drug Strategy for the Americas seeks to deepen public understanding of the scope and breadth of the drug problem. It highlights the extensive impact that illicit drug use has on both the human body as well as [seguir leyendo].


1.  Attas JD, Pabon EV, Cueva RN. Current challenges and future perspectives in the field of addiction psychiatry in Latin America. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2010; 22(4):347-54.

2.  UNODC [web page]. World Drug Report. Geneva (CH); 2011 [cited 2014 May 08]. Available at: www.unodc.org/.../data/WDR2011/WorldDrugReport 2011ebook.pdf

3.  CICAD [web page]. Report on drug use in the Americas. Washington (US): 2011 [cited 2014 May 08]. Available at: www.cicad.oas.org/oid/pubs/DrugUseintheAmericas

4.  CICAD/OAS. Hemispheric drug strategy. Washington (US): CICAD/OAS; 2010.

5.  CICAD/OAS. Plan of action 2001-2015. Washington (US): CICAD/OAS; 2011.

6.  Razzouk D, Gallo C, Olifson S, Zorzetto R, Fiestas F, Poletti G, et al. Challenges to Reduce the "10/90 Gap": mental health research in Latin America and the Caribbean Countries. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2008 Dec; 118(6):490-8

7.  Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Medina-Mora ME, Magaña CG, Vega WA, Alejo-Garcia C, Quintanar TR, et al. Illicit drug use research in Latin America: epidemiology service use, and HIV. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2006 Sep; 84(Suppl 1):S85-93.

8.  Khenti A. Review of drug research literature in Latin America and the Caribbean. Toronto (CA). Unpublished.

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