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Nursing care research and long term conditions




REF.: 091
Country: United Kingdom

Quality of care in falls prevention services
Sheila Donovan
Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences. Kingston University and St George's, University of London (UK)

Mail delivery: Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences. Kingston University and St George's, University of London, Cranmer Terrace London SW17 0RE (UK)

Rev Paraninfo digital, 2007: 2

How to cite this document

Donovan, Sheila. Quality of care in falls prevention services. Rev Paraninfo Digital, 2007; 2. In: <https://www.index-f.com/para/n2/091.php> Consulted 23 de Abril del 2024



The management and prevention of falls is a policy priority in the United Kingdom1. Although not specified as a long term condition, models of provision for falls services share features with the long term conditions service model2. These include integrated services across health and social care in hospitals and the community; identification of high-risk patients and their proactive management; and systematic patient-centred care.
The model of service delivery for people who have fallen is exemplified by the integrated care pathway which maps out the patient�s journey through different service settings and disciplinary spheres of practice. Underpinned by research evidence, it constitutes professionals� proposition of what should happen to a person who has fallen, and indicates the links between various disciplines, services and agencies in the provision of falls-specific care.
I report on a qualitative, collaborative study (with practitioners and a service user group) being carried out in south-east London focused on quality of care in the context of falls prevention services. Objective: to develop a patient-centred tool for professionals to assess the quality of their care. Methods: recruitment of a purposive sample of older people who have fallen from different sites and sources of care across the pathway (Accident and Emergency departments, falls clinics, community nursing and social care services); individual depth interviews with older people and carers to explore their experiences and expectations of care and how they perceive the quality of care; focus groups with health and social care practitioners to appraise the indicators of quality as defined by patients (and carers) and to consider how these could be incorporated into practice; analysis of each dataset to identify common themes, individual differences and divergence; final phase to develop a pilot quality of care tool for professionals working in falls prevention services.
This study is in progress and preliminary findings will be reported.

1. National Service Framework for Older People (2001), Department of Health.
2. National Service Framework for Long Term Conditions (2005), Department of Health.
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