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Presentation modality: poster
Research, nursing care and cultural diversity




REF.: 018
Country: United Kingdom

Cultural Competence: A kick start to achieving black and minority ethnic health goals
Knight Jackson A

Mail delivery: 47 Crossway Lane, Birmingham B44 8DL (UK)

Rev Paraninfo digital, 2007: 2

How to cite this document

Knight Jackson A. Cultural Competence: A kick start to achieving black and minority ethnic health goals. Rev Paraninfo Digital, 2007; 2. In: <https://www.index-f.com/para/n2/018.php> Consulted 25 de Abril del 2024



Globilisation has meant that a number of different nationalities and cultures are now living in the United Kingdom (UK). There is a body of literature which reports that Black and Minority Ethnic communities receive the worst services. The current political agenda in the UK recognizes that a change has to be made and cultural competence is recognized as a cornerstone in efforts to overcome health inequalities.
An innovative method of introducing cultural competence in practice is demonstrated in a Primary Care Organisation in the heart of England.
Objective: To ascertain whether cultural competence training has an effect on community public health nurses (CPHN) knowledge and practice.
Methods: This research project adopted a case study design using quantitative and qualitative research methods to provide an in-depth picture of analysis.
Transcultural nursing experts Papadopoulos et al were commissioned to provide a 2 day training programme. Randomisation of all participants was undertaken and allocation to an experimental or control group. Pre and post test data was collected using a cultural competence assessment tool (CCATool) with additional data provided by an organisational cultural competence assessment tool (OCCATool) and evaluation of training programme.
Data analysis was undertaken using a dedicated software package designed to assess cultural competence and SPSS.
The study was approved by Local Reasearch Ethics Committee.
Results: This presentation will present an overview of cultural competence models available. The process of introducing cultural competence practice into the work environment will be discussed; the challenges faced by the researcher and strategies for dealing with these challenges are addressed.
Conclusions: Cultural Competence training helps to facilitate better nursing care to service users from diverse backgrounds and will help cultivate a process which allows practitioners to be effective nurses for the 21st Century. The results being service users who are respected, valued and have a greater desire to work in partnership to achieve mutually agreed Health Goals. 

References: Papadopoulos, I (2006) Transcultural health and social care: Development of culturally competent practitioners Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier.Principio de p᧩na

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