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Nursing care research and long term conditions




REF.: 015
Country: United Kingdom

Developing primary care nursing practice in care homes through analysis of representations and experiences of older people's health
Catherine Evans, Claire Goodman, Sally Redfern
Primary Care Nursing Research Unit (ULC/KCL) King's College London, London (UK)

Mail delivery: Primary Care Nursing Research Unit (ULC/KCL) King's College London, JCMB, 57 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8WA (UK)

Rev Paraninfo digital, 2007: 2

How to cite this document

Evans, Catherine; Goodman, Claire; Redfern, Sally. Developing primary care nursing practice in care homes through analysis of representations and experiences of older people's health. Rev Paraninfo Digital, 2007; 2. In: <https://www.index-f.com/para/n2/015.php> Consulted 20 de Abril del 2024



Background: Older people residing within care homes experience a range of health problems and functional limitations that often have complex aetiologies. District nurses (DN) and general practitioners are the main providers of health care services for residents of homes providing personal care with no onsite nursing. This population are often wrongly perceived by mainstream health services as having most of their care needs met. Health services that are provided are variable and often inequitable (Jacobs et al. 2001), however, little work has considered strategies to improve NHS service delivery. This paper reports on a UK study seeking to address this.
Aim: To identify and develop new approaches to working with care homes that involve the existing DN workforce and intend to promote residents� health and well-being.
Method: The study use a two-phase design. This paper draws on findings from both phases. Phase I, used secondary analysis of the Health Survey for England 2000 to describe residents� health status (n=1,186). Phase II involved qualitative interviews with purposively selected residents (n=15), care home managers (n=14) and community nurses (n=20) exploring experiences of health in advanced age, and actual and potential service provision to residents of care homes.
Findings and discussion: Health in advanced aged is a dynamic transient process oscillating between subjective �good� and �poor� days. Maintenance of subjective �good� health requires individuals to adapt to the health threats experienced. Struggling to adapt leads to subjective �poor� health and diminished sense of choice and control. To maintain, or regain, subjective �good� health requires support to prevent health threats, or enable recovery.
Conclusions: This paper will explore experiences of health in advanced age and opportunities to develop DN practice in care homes to support residents� subjective �good� health and choice and control.

Ref: RCP et al 2000, The health and care of older people in care homes, London, Royal College of Physicians.

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