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Nursing care research and long term conditions


REF.: 007
Country: United Kingdom

The nursing contribution to chronic disease management: themes from a UK consensus conference and international panel of experts
Wilson P, Kendall S, Brooks F, Procter S, McNeilly E
Centre for Research in Primary and Community Care, University of Hertfordshire, College Lane, Hatfield (UK)

Mail delivery: Centre for Research in Primary and Community Care, University of Hertfordshire, College Lane, Hatfield, AL10 9AB (UK)

Rev Paraninfo digital, 2007: 2

How to cite this document

Wilson P, Kendall S, Brooks F, Procter S, McNeilly E. The nursing contribution to chronic disease management: themes from a UK consensus conference and international panel of experts. Rev Paraninfo Digital, 2007; 2. In: <https://www.index-f.com/para/n2/007.php> Consulted 18 de Abril del 2024



Objectives: The conference was the second stage of a project evaluating the nursing contribution in chronic disease management (CDM). The aims of the conference were to:
- Refine and extend the debate and capture the temporal dynamics of the nursing contribution to models of CDM
- Contextualise the international models of CDM for the UK Health Service.
Methods: Potential invitees were identified through a search of published and unpublished literature, and an internet search of nursing organizations, the UK National Health Service, universities, email groups and long-term conditions voluntary organizations. A snowballing technique located school and practice nurses who had not been identified in the search. There were 47 attendees who presented their role. Discussion was facilitated following a semi-structured guide, transcribed and analysed via a thematic approach. Following the conference a website was dedicated for a panel of international nursing experts who were invited to comment on the themes and contextualise to their own national perspective.
- Nurses argued that compared to other professionals they had more time to offer patients, were more likely to provide continuity of care and had a more equalised relationship with their patients.
- The patient perspective was identified as central to practice, conveying clinical information in an accessible format and helping the patient to have a voice in clinical decision-making.
- Barriers to effective roles were identified as organizational change, professional rivalry and issues with information technology.
- The international panel indicated that many of the themes were applicable internationally, but there was variation both nationally and locally in training and organization of nurses working within CDM.
Conclusion: There was a consensus on qualitative outcomes of nursing in CDM, but a lack of clarity surrounding measurable outcomes. Barriers to effective roles were identified, with the conference themes resonating with the international scenario.
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