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REF.: 160d

Validation of the Portuguese Version of the Attitudes to Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire: An exploratory approach
Rui Pedro Gomes Pereira,1 Maria José da Silva Peixoto de Oliveira Cardoso,2 Maria Alice Correia Santos Cardoso Martins3
(1) Nursing School, University of Minho. Braga, Portugal. (2) Porto Nursing School. Porto, Portugal. (3) Local Health Unit - Matosinhos. Matosinhos, Portugal

Rev Paraninfo digital, 2013: 19

Cómo citar este documento
Pereira, Rui Pedro Gomes; Cardoso, Maria José da Silva Peixoto de Oliveira; Martins, Maria Alice Correia Santos Cardoso. Validation of the Portuguese Version of the Attitudes to Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire: An exploratory approach. Rev Paraninfo Digital, 2013; 19. Disponible en: <https://www.index-f.com/para/n19/160d.php> Consultado el 18 de Abril del 2024


Background: The lack of cultural and linguistically sensitive instruments prevents the opportunity of assessing attitudes and barriers of health care staff towards evidence-based practice. The aim of this communication is to report the validation process in the Portuguese context of the Attitudes to Evidence Based Practice Questionnaire.
Methods: We developed a cross-sectional, descriptive psychometric validation study. For cultural adaptation, a bidirectional translation was carried out, accordingly to common standards. To determine the psychometric properties of the questionnaire we conducted a Principal Component Analysis with Varimax orthogonal rotation. The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed by Cronbach's alpha.
Results: We obtained 244 valid questionnaires with a 64.2% response rate. Data collected explained that the questionnaire showed an acceptable internal consistency (a = .63). Subjected the questionnaire to a principal components analysis using Varimax method, we obtained eight dimensions that explain 56.66% of total variance.
Conclusions: The exploratory factorial analysis conducted demonstrated valid empiric evidence and the questionnaire could be used in our context.


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