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Shared formation among Primary and Specialized Care: necessarily convergent roads

Manuel Reina Jiménez
Unidad de Ginecología Oncológica y Mamaria, Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío, Sevilla, España

Index de Enfermería [Index Enferm] 2005; 50: 70 (original version in Spanish, printed issue)








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Reina Jiménez M. Shared formation among Primary and Specialized Care: necessarily convergent roads. Index de Enfermería [Index Enferm] (digital edition) 2005; 50. In </index-enfermeria/50revista/e5444.php> Consulted









Dear Sir: I have recently participated in a forum where Primary and Specialized Care nurses discussed aspects that promote communication and continuation of care. One of the topics that were raised referred to "Joint Training". I must say that I was particularly interested in it and that taking it as a starting point, I am going to write about my opinion expressed there.
     I assume that a Plan of Nursing Joint Education between these two health care levels (Primary and Specialized) is both enriching and necessary. Putting this plan into effect should make us think about a coherent and organized sequence of formative actions, a specific period of time must be fixed and its aim should be to provide and to improve professional competences in both health care levels. It should be both dynamic and flexible; it should also allow the inclusion of specific training activities, it must be realistic and it should meet the requirements and needs of the groups or the professionals involved.
     Therefore, this Joint Training Plan is a means but not an end in itself, that should pursue clearly defined goals before starting with training activities, resulting in a serious diagnosis of the professional's needs. It must remain clear that the aim is not to put into action unconnected actions which only respond to a specific demand, an objective or even a trend.
     After analysing Joint Training in my surroundings, I must say that it is characterized by: a) initial training; b) interest of professionals of both health care levels in sharing training activities that avoid the variability of the clinical practice; c) spreading the Standardized Systems of Nursing Languages (SELE) amongst most professionals leads to training meetings; d) personal and professional development is encouraged. People involved are motivated and professionally enriched; f) the Joint Training Plan is aimed at emphasizing communication and participation between people involved in it, becoming an appropriate channel to promote culture and to carry out some desirable changes inside the organization to which we all belong.
     Innovation and flexibility are two important formative tools, because they speed up the requirements of appropriate competences and its recipients. I suggest the most relevant ones:
     -Supervised exchange programmes between professionals of both health care levels.
     -Training in situ of specific procedures.
     -Rotation of the information between the different health care levels.
     -Learning through benchmarking forums.
     All in all, Joint Training should be seen by professionals of all health care levels as an instrument to homogenize professional practice, to reduce variability, to improve continuation of care and to increase professional satisfaction. These are aspects that, in perfect synergy, align with the introduction of integrated health care processes. Besides, it helps to change rooted ideas about the differences between professionals of different health care levels because the "Care Process" is a continuous line that overcomes any difference. It is also a powerful and comprehensive tool for Nursing.





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